Designs and advice during construction for Tunnels 2 to 5, which are located in the AUTOPISTA AL MAR 2 Project, its estimated origin-destination length is 254 kilometers, and runs entirely in the department of Antioquia. The Motorway to the Sea 2 connects the municipalities of Cañasgordas - Uramita - Dabeiba - Mutatá - Corregimiento de El Tigre and the municipality of Necoclí.
In Functional Unit 1, 7 tunnels will be built (Tunnels 2 to 5 and Tunnels 8 to 10). Table 1 shows the location of Tunnels 2 to 5 object of this proposal, the entrance and exit elevation, the length and maximum coverage of each of the 4 tunnels.

Tunnel 2 entrance portal excavation - Electrical Substation Platform Functional Unit 1 Mar 2 - Modeling

Tunnel 3 entrance portal excavation Functional Unit 1 Mar 2 - Modeling