MAKING A COUNTRY, learn about the projects with which we are being part of the history of engineering and development of our nation.
About us
GEOTUNELES is a Colombian engineering company dedicated to consulting and construction activities of infrastructure works, especially those related with Tunnels and Underground works. It provides services in the public and private sector, in both national and international level.
Human Capital
GEOTUNELES has a multidisciplinary human team to offer solutions in the different stages of an Engineering project, responding responsanbly and with solidarity, in accordance with modern practices, in terms of sustainable development and infraestructure growth of the region, Always guranteeing the harmony with the environment.
Our Principles
GEOTUNELES has as principles to guarantee the safety and optimal development in the different projects of auditing and/or advisory during the construction and therefore, maximizing the economic benefit for the customers and minimizing the risks inherent to the development of each project.
The Experience: Our best hand
The company has an experience of more than 500 KM of tunnels for different purposes, such as roads, water conduction, energy developments and mining, among the most important, developed in different stages such as: feasibility, construction designs, auditing and /or advice during construction, institutional accompaniment, and finally, construction and implementation of the projects.