The project is part of the mega-projects of the EAAB master plan for the decontamination of the Bogotá river.
The interceptor receives the wastewater from the Fucha Tunjuelo and Tunjuelo Bajo interceptors, and during its journey of more than 11 km, it receives the waters of the municipality of Soacha to take them to the future WWTP Canoas. In order to receive the different flow rates, the interceptor has an internal diameter of 4.2 m.
Service Provided
Work consultancy to make review, adjustments and/or modifications to the definitive designs of the extraction pit and the camera connection of the tunnels. Consultancy during cosntrucción of the works for the connection of the Interceptor Tunjuelo-Canoas with emergency Tunnel, extraction of tunneling machines and complementary works.
Covered Length
Execution Time
- Client Cons. Infraestructura
- Date 08 Mar 2022
- Categories